Monday, 9 May 2011

Did you know that...

Did you know about ...: Did you know that...: "... not only is the bible the best selling book around the world, but also the most shoplifted one at the very same time?!"


  1. 1 steal bible
    2 ????????
    3 go to heaven

  2. Im gonna steal some bibles. brb!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. way to go to steal from my blog ... thats just sad

    If you look at the bottom of the post you will see a link to your blog..which will send ppl to your blog. You should be thanking me.

    Which reminds me, looks like I follow you but you dont follow me?

  5. I am sorry about this, I didn't see the link! Thank you for relinking to my blog.

  6. Very ironic - pretty sure the Bible warns against theft!

  7. I was at Barnes and Noble last night and sincerely believe an odd looking couple boosted one of the expensive looking Bibles next to the cafe.
