She's made 4000 comments in the past week, the nature of these ramblings is well into the real of conspiracy and many theories have been generated.
She supoosedly completely snapped on june 26th 2010. She is brilliant ( speaks English, Estonian, French, Russian, Swedish, Latvian, German, Gallic, Latin) and either deeply disturbed or deeply into something covert.the possibility that she is:
a victim of MKULTRA
a schizophrenic
c two people communicating through one FB account
Up until last week the 26th of May she was posting over 200 replies to herself on a Facebook account when she abruptly stopped commenting/posting and has not posted since then because of the interest in her and attemps to find out about here through her friends.
Read her replies to her own wall posts, this one in particular with a huge 797 replies in a few days, she wrote 500 of them in a 12 hour session without a break.
Digging thruough her wall of comments you will notice most of her photos are water-damaged or burnt.
Some of her information checks out. It never was really decided whether she is just insane, or somehow is involved with these groups and lost her mind along the way (moreso losing the ability to coherently communicate what's true so it makes sense to us), or whether she was mind controlled and the programming has been failing. Probably not an ARG, nor a joke. Either way, it's interesting and disturbing to some and figured you guys would be interested in it. She's obsessed with conspiracies, CIA/KGB/FBI etc, royal bloodlines, the Nazis, international criminal networks etc.
Karin and current husband Gordon? |
Anyway if you are interested in following this further and there are is a lot of reading and photo albums revealed as you dig here are the achive links I find thru google etc:
karin-catherine-waldegrave- pt1
Have FUN